
Pandore is a standardized library of image processing operators. The current version contains image processing operators that operate on grayscale, color and multispectral, 1D, 2D and 3D images. The library provides a set of executable operators and a C++ programming environment.

Main features

What is Pandore?

Pandore is a standardized library of image processing operators. The current version contains image processing operators that operate on grayscale, color and multispectral, 1D, 2D and 3D images. The library provides:

  • a set of executable operators;
  • a C++ programming environment.

Who is concerned with Pandore?

Pandore is mainly dedicated to image processing experts because the use of the library needs skills on image processing operations and on the way to combine them to perform real world image processing applications.
The use of the image processing library does not require programming skills since all operators are available as executable programs. However, the development of new operators in the library needs C++ programming skills.


How does Pandore work?

The library is a set of executable programs performing directly on image files. The development of an image processing application is done from the successive execution of operators where outputs of one operator can be used as inputs of some others. Available images are of Pandore format, but there exists some conversion operators from and into standard formats (e.g., bmp, gif, tiff).